Monday, March 26, 2012

In the Life of Me: Post 3

March 26, 2012

Dear Blog,
   Well, Sunday wasn't exactly the "funest"...The service was amazing and eye opening, but afterwards once me, Mama, and Dad started talking about it, the subject kind of veered off track.
   Mama and Dad started arguing back and forth about something (i'm not going into it) and soon enough it turned from arguing to yelling and screaming...well, i knew my place from past mistakes of butting in and trying to calm everyone down, so i never said a word throughout any of it, but i simply got up once i had had my fill. I planned on going on a walk, but then i realized that i couldn't leave Christopher here by himself with them arguing like i walked in and asked him if he wanted to go with me, he said yes so i told him to throw on him shoes and went and got dressed. I wasn't sure is it was alright to leave like that with him (as in over stepping my boundaries and all) but i made sure to tell them that we were going on a walk, and just walked out the door (i knew if it wasn't alright that one of them would say something before we had a chance to leave, so i wasn't worried to bad about it).
   Chris and i enjoyed our walk, it was actually kind pretty outside that day! The sun was shining, and even when the clouds rolled by to block it out, it was still pleasant weather. :) When Christopher asked if i wanted to go home, i wasn't really sure if things had died down yet. But the Lord told me that it was alright, that everything would turn out ok. We had passed by a tree on our way home; it was in full bloom and as pretty as could be! Chris had stopped and picked one and gave it to me, and i suggested we pick one for Mama too (almost as a butter-up present ;3). We got home in one piece, and sure enough, just as the Lord had said, everything was calm seas from there on :D We gave Mama our flowers and she liked them, and i gave Dad and big long hug and i'm sure he appreciated it :) (i love my parents, but sometimes they're just crazy XP)
                                                                                 * * *

   Today, in ROTC we had Cadet Challenge....oh. my. goodness! am i tired!!! XP
   Today we did the Shuttle Run (where you run once to grab a block, run back but toss the block aside, turn around to run and grab the other block, then turn right back around and run through) and the Mile Run (self-explanatory, you run a mile around the track which is equivalent to 4 laps around ours). I didn't really have much trouble with the Shuttle Run, but the Mile Run kicked my butt! You see, i'm not exactly the most athletic girl out there, so i'm slightly out of shape. But you know what, I gave it my all and i ran/jogged hard, and afterwards i felt as weak as water.
   After stopping, i can say i literally almost fell down on the track. My friend Cam came up behind me and started massaging my shoulders, and it felt really good. After that though he sat down next to me and told me that i could go inside and get water, but i had to come back. Well, the thought of getting up made me feel wobbly, so i just sat there breathing hard. He asked me if i wanted a piggy back ride down to the RO building, and at first the idea sounded silly and embarrassing, but after a couple of seconds i gave in and nodded my head. He threw on his shoes and helped me up to my feet; almost as soon as i stood up i felt light on my feet (and not in the good way). I basically fell over onto his back and he picked me up and carried me to the cool (well cooler than outside) climate of inside. He set me down in front of the water fountain and i almost fell over, but I caught the water fountain and Hannah (my friend) caught me to steady me so i could drink. *ok i don't want to get into too much more detail, and not because of the reason you think, but because i getting tired of describing everything in slight now i'm skipping to when the bell rang*
   Once the bell rang for school to be over, i had NO idea how i was going to get the the bus without dragging my feet all the way there. Well, my friend Tyler had a different idea. He made sure i got at least half way there without falling over once, and once we saw Trae in the building, i don't know if he pushed me or if i pretty much tripped over my feet to get to him, but i pretty much fell on Trae and he caught me (lol i liked it though, i felt safe). Tyler told him that i was weak and with that Trae walked me (as always) to my bus. At some point in time Cam came up behind me and he was walking with us (me, Trae, and Tyler) down the hallway. I thought it was funny how i had 3 guys making sure i was ok; it was sweet and adorable, but i think Trae started getting jealous when Cam told him he gave me a piggy back ride to the RO building when i couldn't walk myself... >.>;; (uh oh)
   But either way, i'm honored to have friends that care about me and will make sure i'm ok when i'm feeling down :) i'm most definetly blessed by the Lord to have the friends i do! And even though some of my friends might not be living right, i pray that the Lord will show them his glory and mercy and love through me :) You all have a blessed day today!

~BeAuTiFuL rOsE

1 comment:

  1. Lol I had tears of joy when I read the part where I came in escorting you to Trae ^w^
